How to make free calls from a public phone - by DrunkMan [DOA] -------------------------------------------------------------- First thing that I have to say is that i wrote this text for the israelian coz i dont know if the same trick works in abroad too. anyway, if you want to make free calls from a public phone do this: 1. Find a telecard (even if its empty! but be sure that no body cut it) ______________________ | Telecard | | | | | | Bezeq | |______________________| 2. Fold it in the middle, and cut it (do not use scissors!) to two. __________ ___________ | Telecard | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Bezeq | |__________| |___________| 3. Rub both sides in the sidewalk __________ | Telecard | | | | | <-- Rub this side in the sidewalk | | |__________| __________ | | | | Rub this side in the sidewalk --> | | | Bezeq | |__________| 4. Insert both sides of the telecard into the public phone until you will hear "CLICK". __________ ___________ | Telecard | | | | | | | | | | Bezeq | |__________|___________| 5. Then you should see "Please wait..." on the public phone. 6. If it shows "2 = Šš˜š‰" or 3 or any number (except 0) then u can call for free and UNLIMITED! If it shows "0" try again. * YOU CAN USE THE SAME TELECARD MILLION TIMES! * BUT REMEMBER! Discovered by DrunkMan [DOA]